2023 Medical Japan Tokyo
Dipda GX Senior will host the event in Tokyo in October this year
We're having an exhibition at MEDICAL JAPAN 2023 TOKYO, so we've brought you this news
Medi-Cal Japan 2023 Tokyo is an international medical device & welfare product exhibition held at Makuhari Messe,
a large exhibition hall located in Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, from Oct. 11-13.
We've also prepared a new dance content, the core of Dipda GX senior!
We carefully selected K-pop songs that Japanese seniors like and produced them with the contents of Dipda Trainor / Dipda Homt!
Dipda Trainer Representative Song: Hiroshi Ituki - Sasameyuki
Dipda Homt Representative Song : Isida Ayumi - Blue Light Yokohama
After the busy preparation process, the exhibition began in earnest,
Seeing a large number of buyers from various nationalities from the first day,
I realized once again that it was an exhibition on an international scale!
Many people came to Dipda GX Senior booth to demonstrate and enjoy it!
We also had several table consultations, the flower of the exhibition!
I hope it leads to good results!